Wellbeing means feeling happy, healthy, and successful in different areas of your life. This includes how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Basically, wellbeing is about being content and living a satisfying life by looking after yourself, having good relationships, handling stress well, and finding a sense of peace and happiness. It’s all about taking …

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Youth at Adolescence

Youth is an exciting and stressful stage in one’s life, a stage where one is moving from childhood toadulthood so it is this period in between. This stage is called adolescence. There are a lot of changesthat will be happening physically and emotionally within our youth’s bodies. Many developments andtransitions from childhood to adolescence create …

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Life is a gift from God and it is beautiful; but in all its beauty we cannot ignore the reality that painhas marinated this most beautiful gift called LIFE. Pain is concealed within our daily endeavours aswe walk through each day, one event leading to the other and knowing or without knowing we arefaced with …


Women empowerment and protection

Our generation should do away with stereotyping women and pre decorating men with laurels beforeperformance. At birth, either male or female, the intellectual potential each one possesses is the same.Men tend to exercise their intelligence often because society trains them to do so; whilst women andfemale children are left stagnant and their abilities atrophy because …

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In the previous articles we talked about how ethics and morals are an integral part in all forms of religions as they seek to instill an ideal persona within human beings. As humans over the years we have been evolving mentally and rationally such that we are constantly drifting away from barbarism; and propelling towards …


Ethics and Special Ethical Issues

Great teachers across all popular religions and all passionate scientists who have unraveled to us someof the most amazing mysteries about human behavior, have been trying tirelessly during their lifetime toestablish within the human nature what exactly can be done in order to create a reverent heart within ahuman soul. Issues of morals and values …

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Being a Boy Child and a Man

When a baby is born, one crucial moment is when the gender is announced. In all cultures they lookforward to this moment with exhilaration. Technology has extended an arm to pacify the curiosity ofknowing whether the child will be male or female through scans and other methods; but years ago, thebirthday of a child was …

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